Sunday , 19 May 2024
A diplomatic notice basically supposed to remain confidential was made public worldwide over the internet and the newspapers in Antananarivo by a leak. The concerned notice addresses the “neutralization of Marc Ravalomanana”, as well as “the country’s defense system weakening program”. European parliamentarians have officially been put in the picture about this notice. The original stir is turning into a certain concern, which is itself somehow reviving anti-french tensions within one part of the Malagasy population

Embassy of France in Madagascar : an unveiled secret diplomatic notice about Ravalomanana creates the stir

A diplomatic notice basically supposed to remain confidential was made public worldwide over the internet and the newspapers in Antananarivo by a leak. The concerned notice addresses the “neutralization of Marc Ravalomanana”, as well as “the country’s defense system weakening program”. European parliamentarians have officially been put in the picture about this notice. The original stir is turning into a certain concern, which is itself somehow reviving anti-french tensions within one part of the Malagasy population