According to the MIDI MADAGASCAR news:”After his couple of hours long hearing led yesterday at the Toby Ratsimandrava, Marc Ravalomanana was driven to a so far undisclosed location, then put under house arrest… whether in Mantasoa or in Ambatolampy, or in Arivonimamo or in Manjakandriana, God only knows. Our latest feeds would suggest that the former president would be held in custody in Arivonimamo. It does actually not matter much, where the former president has to remain in custody. His very fate matters quite much to the International Community. The former president owes his recovery of home soil to none but major linebackers as regional organizations like the SADC and major global players like the United States of America, Germany, South Africa, France(Quai d’Orsay), Norway…Nothing would have been possible without their direct or less direct contribution. President Hery Rajaonarimampianina and his ruling power have been holding Marc Ravalomanana as a political adversary, and acting accordingly. How long will they keep going without an alliance Ravalomanana-Rajaonarimampianina? Some experienced political observers find this option more than likely by now.”
As for the LA NATION newspaper’ say: “Marc Ravalomanana’s come back home has long been an issue to many people, but very few would have believed the process to come true in this way. The former chief of state returned the very way he left five and a half years ago, out of the blue, far from the spotlights. The former president would be assigned to house arrest for fiftteen days. “Would” indeed, since the standard course of events is now suffering a major anomaly. Marc Ravalomanana’s displayed readiness to face the court does not make the chapters easier to piece together… His displayed self confidence in his apparent surrender, although political sphere leaders are basically not expected to engage in direct battle, struggles to match the canvas complicated enough as it is. On the contrary, Marc Ravalomanana called upon keeping tensions low…another mystery, is it not?”
An awful lot of emotions, reactions and comments have been stirred by the former Malagasy President's unexpected come back on home soil. He was put under arrest few hours following his first press conference granted at home in the last 6 years. Everybody believes to know what Marc Ravalomanana's return home and arrest are all about, but nobody actually does.