Sunday , 19 January 2025

News flash

Ebola: no case ever reported in Toamasina according to the ministry

Nobody has ever been exposed to the Ebola virus either in Toamasina city or anywhere else in Madagascar. The single noticeable outbreak is that of formal reactions from the government in order to curtail any baseless panic wave. The head of the regional healthcare department of Toamasina city made it clear that neither city hospitals nor any other minor healthcare center have detected any infection with the Ebola virus anywhere. "There is no Ebola case whatsoever!" emphatically stated Frederic Rabearison. In the harbor city, a certain media group argued that one case of Ebola virus infection would have appeared. The very Head of Region quickly got a move on to dismiss this allegation before it scares local population and holiday makers away. "This allegation is wrong" emphasized Michel Talata. Read More »

Lalao Ravalomanana back to Antananarivo city

Following a short visit paid to her husband and her children still kept in exile in South Africa, the former Malagasy first lady returned to Madagascar, and each and every movement of hers seems to have turned into a major political event. She recovered the Airport of Ivato on Tuesday, February 4th together with her daughter in law Gergana Georgieva. No incident of any kind was reported. Read More »

Jean Louis Robinson fights for turning into the Opposition’s leader

A coordination comitee has been provided to every branch of the legal Opposition by the presidential election' second finalist Jean Louis Robinson. The comitee clearly intends to stand and act legally and rejects every attempt to engage on subsersive action. The AVANA party's candidate is longing for claiming the 4th Republic's constitutional title of "Opposition's leader" for himself. Read More »

The new President takes charges without producing any speech

The power transfer process between former transitional leader Andry Rajoelina and the new President Hery Rajaonarimampianina took place at the Palace of Iavoloha on January 24th in the morning before an audience of militants bearing the TGV party's colors. The ceremony finally turned into a "one man show" for the outgoing transitional leader. It took Andry Rajoelina a 20 minutes long speech to wave goodbye to his supporters and to the population, whereas Hery Rajaonarimampianina did not say a thing. His first formal speech will wait for his own investiture ceremony. Read More »

4000 rounds stolen from a warehouse facility

The Ivato military airbase's famous warehouse has been successfully robbed on January 16th in the night. Prominently more than 4000 AK-47 assault rifle rounds constituted the thefts' booty. The incident does not bode well, now that the country arguably recovers the way out of the political crisis. As a recall, the Malagasy crisis has, since the year 2009, largely been fueled by the involvement of military forces, and even triggered by the putsch directed against Marc Ravalomanana in March 2009 by the CAPSAT base camp's mutiny. Read More »

Politics making entry at the Christmas dinner

Madagascans were generally able to have a decent Christmas celebration. It did however not keep political issues away from being raised during the family dinner. Widely mixed views have nearly become a standard scene, as displayed by the organization of a special meeting dedicated to “electoral victory” inside the Magro Square in Behoririka. Read More »

The HMF group’s parsons busting a pending electoral fraud attempt

The Movement of Clerical leaders (HMF) warned about their oppostion to any attempt to manipulate results in the run of the presidential election's last knock out round. To the press they publicly made their readiness to brave whatever dangers again if need be Read More »

Antananarivo city: city trash turned into a political tool to barter with

The legislative elections related campaign and the duel for the presidential position are in full swing by now. During the latest weeks, garbage heaps have increasingly been littering the Malagasy capital city's streets. The city council simply declared, it cannot, for having run short of money to remove them as they are supposed to. So be it, this is no less but a godsend for the wanna be deputies linked to the transitional ruling power. They appear with what it takes to remove trash from targeted district's streets and make an electoral asset of this good deed in their campaign. A State institution suddenly bankrupts when legislative candidates who swore allegiance to transitional leader Andry Rajoelina have / need the opportunity to act heroes in the run of their electoral campaign. Good timing, is it not? Read More »

a more relevant and efficient civil society in 2014

The civil society longs for a far reaching enough voice to be worth consideration from the Malagasy leadership. Andre Ramaroson, industrialist and civil society member, called upon a general meeting to ponder the issue and get ready in 2014, as an opportunity to merge groups and organizations into a civil society striving for combined efforts for healthcare for all, education for all, employment for all and social security for all in a developed country. Read More »