Wednesday , 23 October 2024


Sambatra 2014, the saga of a twin brother’s recovery of the land of his ancestors

The Sambatra or collective circumcision is a major traditional event celebrated every seven years by ethnic Antambahoaka population. It is a vibrant local tradition whose importance echoes so loud beyond regional and even national borders that the Diaspora does not think twice before joining Mananjary. In 2014, a year said of good omens for beginning on a Wednesday, the fervor of a people deeply attached to its identity feels as warm as ever. 36 years old Mamy Flavien holds the event as some sort of a double homecoming, an opportunity to dare the odds and make up for the fate basically assigned to him at birth; he, who had the misfortune to be the second born child of twin brothers. Read More »

Madagascar longing for a comeback among the French speaking countries

Madagascar wants to recover its position in the family of French speaking countries. The country' second official language might get through in the education system and in the administration, remains however very far from being spoken on a daily basis by every single Madagascan. The number computed and reported by Clement Duhaime, Administrator of the international organization of the French speaking countries, is surprisingly low: only 1.5 million out of the Malagasy population read, write and speak French at all. In other words, the language of Moliere actually scores no better than any other foreign language in the education as a matter of fact. Still, the Malagasy President, as a good French-speaking diplomat, expects the Great Isle to be welcome at the summit of the OIF in 2016. Read More »

traditional royal communities in for a telethon for the South

Rampaging insecurity throughout the southern regions of Madagascar has inevitably led to local economic downturn and its social fallouts. As a response, the federation of royal traditional communities in Madagascar (FCRTM) hosts a charity fundraising event in order to raise support. Read More »

The new Malagasy New Year; celebration or reenactment ?

The Alahamadibe and Asaramanitra, are nowadays more alike symbolic remembrance celebrations and tourism product than original rituals basically supposed to connect the sovereign to his subjects. The events' political and sacred relevance belong to the past, now that Christianity and democracy haven taken over as major social values. On March 31st, 2014 , who would ever dare to wish a " Happy New Year " to his neighbors or relatives? Read More »

Tsôly, from the SDF band has gone

Death has claimed a young and farsighted artist. In the night of January 7th, Ratovondrahona Liantsoa, aka Tsôly, unexpectedly passed away. Friends, relatives, all of them and everyone else was caught unprepared. How could they not? He had barely turned 30, said his virtuoso friend Silo. Read More »

The Queen’s Palace in expectation of the final touch

Set ablaze and burnt down in the evening of November 6th 1995, the Queen's Palace has been being reconstructed in 2006 and now recovered its original profile. Yet, the reconstruction process is nowhere near to be over, namely inside the Palace, time and money is still being needed and not in small amount. November 6th is a sad anniversary to the Rova. Remembrance ceremonies stand on schedule. Read More »

5D cinema in for the conquest of Antananarivo

Thrill is in the air. A young Malagasy couple has recently opened “Cinema Extreme” in Antananarivo, the first ever 5D movie theater, no less, in the Malagasy capital city. The project was substantially quite expensive to the young investors Read More »

Stars can also con their fans

Does the Isle's social and political situations look creepy enough to scare international show business stars away? as a matter of fact, it seemingly does. The French artist Matt Houston cancelled the concert he was supposed to give and the actor Jackie Chan is very much likely to do the same with the trip of his own. Read More »