Saturday , 18 May 2024
Six million out of sixteen million Malagasy are suffering from malnutrition.

Hunger: a threat for 6 million Malagasy

Other calamities which are affecting other countries do not yet present a real danger for the majority of Malagasy people but other threats are an everyday reality.  According to Midi, thank God, unlike some African countries where thousands of people are killed by AIDS everyday, Madagascar hasn?t reached that level of occurrences of AIDS yet with a relatively low prevalence rate.  But that?s not reason for celebration since another real danger is looming in the country.  We are talking about starvation and malnutrition which  every year make more victims in the world, by killing more people than AIDS, Paludism and Malaria combined.  To this effect, a document published by World Food Program entitled the Map of World Hunger places Madagascar in the red zone with approximately six million people malnourished or to put it simply, six million people who are suffering from extreme starvation.