Thursday , 2 May 2024
The National Institute of Statistics and foreign financial backers do not produce the same valuation of poverty rate in Madagascar. According to the INSTAT , 76.5% of Malagasy live below the poverty line now , whereas the World Bank estimates that about 92% of the population does live below the poverty line in the country, more especially due to recent years of political crisis and its social and economic fallouts.

The growth rate required to emerge from economic red zone: 8%

According to the Director of the INSTAT , Paul Gérard Ravelomanantsoa , the poverty rate has always been valued around 70% on the Great Isle. Yet, he noticed a surprising paradox. ” Our investigations have established that 76% of the population is poor, still, as we kept on investigating a sample of this population in depth, only 40% of the same population claims to be convinced of its actual precariousness ” said the Director. In other words, a significant proportion of the population living below the poverty line in Madagascar seems able to cope with its situation, without any evidence of any particular strain. According to Paul Gerard Ravelomanantsoa “It will take a steady growth rate of 8% to remove poverty from the Great Isle out of poverty. Over the recent years, this rate has not even exceeded 3 %. ” . The birth rate in Madagascar is generally up to 3%, so, as long as the economic growth does not greatly exceeds this rate, it will be vain to expect any viable solution to poverty.