Saturday , 21 September 2024
The HAT was apparently more than angered by the American diplomacy ´s report in 2010. The authority imposed to Madagascar was blamed for its poor human rights record and presented as what it really is " a non elected and illegal régime ". The HAT swiftly replied by boasting and parading its own little international recognition.

HAT vs USA: controversial critics

Andry Rajoelina used irony and self sufficiency when replying to the American diplomacy. “The United States are geographically quite far away, and therefore far from the reality “, he declared. The authority´s leader challenged the blame directed against his régime, namely the violation of human rights and the illegal rule.  


The year 2010´s American department´s report concerning Madagascar is unbearable for the HAT, this” non elected and illegal régime which took the power in the run of a putsch supported by militaries “. For once, a country openly recalled that Andry Rajoelina actually self proclaimed leader of a High authority of transition following an unconstitutional government change.  


The remark on the coalition of politicians surrounding the putsch maker clearly indicates that the national unity patched up by the HAT in 2010, is not recognized by Washington. The Department is going as far as denouncing the erection of the Rajoelina republic. “The transitional régime organizes a unilateral constitutional referendum non recognized by the international Community “.  

 Andry Rajoelina is naturally holding the American report as missing out on the reality. The HAT actually pretends that his referendum which glorified the authority`s leader triggered a row of international recognitions. On top of the list is Turkey, the HAT´s first ally. Rajoelina is by the way intending to complete his first ever official visit in Turkey.  


France is of course putting a low profile forth, but continuously does what it can through the Indian Oean´s Commission and the international organization of the French speaking countries in favor of the HAT. This widened France is dying for recognizing the HAT through the SADC´s roadmap draft, and consequently pushing Andry Rajoelina and his government to organize elections as early. The United States and the Anglo-Saxon countries closely intertwined with Madagascar under the presidency of Marc Ravalomanana are however increasingly moving away. 


The American human rights related critics are definitely pissing the HAT off. “Unjustified and summary executions summary committed by the government and its agents”, the use of brutality leading to casualties by city and state police officers, and the 102 political prisoners. The treatment inflicted upon the opponents Fetison Andrianirina and both of his partners are no boost for the improvement of the HAT´s justice´s reputation.  


The pro-HAT propaganda found nothing better than attacking the United States on the human rights issue. The message is clear: “the Americans are not in the best position to criticize “; referring to the abuses committed in Iraq and in the Guantanamo bay´s detention camp, and to the European Union´s condemnation of such practices.  


Former ambassador Niels Marquardt was previously accused of feeling sharp hatred against Andry Rajoelina. Now, Hilary Clinton, the American vice president is the one attacking the HAT. Barack Obama might well be the next one to throw the imposed regime in Madagascar off.