Monday , 20 May 2024
With support from the PMP parliamentarian group as well as from previously Rajoelina supportive deputies of the MAPAR group, the Republic's new President succeeded in recovering ground inside the National Assembly's permanent office. Christine Razanamahasoa, a Rajoelina supportive deputy elected as head of the parliament back in February, now has to pack up and leave the stage to Jean Max Rakotomamonjy, a deputy whose allegiance goes to the Leader Fanilo party. Jean Max Rakotomamonjy was elected by all of the deputies who attended the session while the largest part of the MAPAR parliamentarian group stood away.

Rajaonarimampianina scores much of a major try

The other members of the permanent office were elected on the very following evening of Sunday 4th. Two seats have been granted to the MAPAR group’s deputies who decided to join hands with the Rajaonarimampianina supportive majority. Christine Razanamahasoa rejected her duty to transfer power and groans at the illegal process. She equally threatened the MAPAR group’s deputies who decided to swap sides with expulsion, for they deliberately moved away from the party’s line and turned their back on the Fourth Republic’s Constitution. The new round of elections was made possible when the High Constitutional Court noticed a legal flaw was noticed in February during the electoral process which led Christine Razanamahasoa to top the National Assembly. The Parliament had to reshuffle its own inner rules as well as its permanent office. According to some deputies, the MAPAR group would be bound to oppose Rajaonarimampianina’ side’s led aggressive with every possible mean. The supporters of former transitional leader Andry Rajoelina have been holding discreet meetings all over the weekend.