Tuesday , 22 October 2024


National Assembly: a majority! the vote of the year 2015’s Finance Act for a majority!

The second regular session of the National Assembly might be as hectic as ever. Kolo Roger's government has make do with a majority which lost its stability and resist the Mapar parliamentarian group's assaults, expected to enforce the appointment of a prime minister of its choice, and invite the president to comply with the Constitution. The year 2015's Finance Act provides the opportunity to challenge the ruling power. The acting government has, in addition to this, a decentralization act related to the division of the capital into six municipalities and eventually to the creation of hundreds of new communes, allegiance of which are supposed to be promised to the ruling party, to put through. Read More »

The political canvas massively altered, now that Marc Ravalomanana is back

Definitely losing the Ravalomanana sphere to the Opposition, then having the Platform for the Presidential Majority furthermore shaken have enforced a brand new balance of powers on the political canvas. The ruling power does what it takes to delay a reshuffle of its government, or possibly avert a too early downfall. But the sluggish recovery noticed in scores of economic and social sectors massively drive the HVM party to rethink its strategy again. Could Hery Rrajaonarimampianina’s political party eventually afford to rule on its own, although being devoid of popular basis? At least one matter of fact did not suffer changes: eternal legions of political scavengers already stretching their arms in the name of the defense the people's choice. Read More »

First successful crackdown for Rajaonarimampianina’s ruling power

The first real held back social tensions worthy of the name have recovered the surface when the former President of the Republic unexpectedly recovered home soil, and compelled security forces to master the subsequent demonstration in a ruthless way. The Emmo-Reg squad, basically ordered to conduct deterring arrests from above, had to put a grip on leading figures and make them their scapegoats; done deal! Still, politicians and sphere members supportive of Marc Ravalomanana did not physically appear, mindful of the judicial trouble a denial of authorization from the Police department might possibly bring. Read More »

Marc Ravalomanana turned into a wandering political prisoner

International organizations as much as home based press groups have largely been focusing on the former president's unexpected recovery of home soil over the last few days. The International Community has a whole, namely the African Union, the United States of America, the European Union just like the Quai d'Orsay may have firmly condemned the speech rendered by the former president in the run of his first press conference granted from his home, but no one has, so far, been challenging his come back home, or turn him back. Read More »

Marc Ravalomanana sliding into the political Opposition

Former Madagascan president still held out in exile in South Africa following the year 2009's putsch, kicks off. He formally announced the withdrawal of his mere few months long support to Hery Rajaonarimampianina's ruling power and his defection to the political Oppostion. Read More »

Crisis settlement roadmap: the SADC and the European Union focusing on its incomplete implementation process again

The SADC's Troika held a meeting in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, and outlined the need to implement the crisis settlement Roadmap to the full. This issue remained one of the main topics addressed by this meeting of this regional organization's heads of state held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, on August 17th and 18th. Read More »

Putting a brand new though incomplete High Court of Justice in place for the sake of securing the Head of State’s position

"Lack of far sightedness", "amateur game play"… The Public Life Observatory SEFAFI did certainly not go easy on the current ruling power's leaders, said to be leading the country headfirst straight away to a major institutional crisis. A botched up decentralization act is likely to create many more problems than potential solutions... municipal and communal elections are now postponed on the pretext of taking time to complete the division process of the capital city in six communes... several territorial collectivities have to remain in the womb... ... So the public life observatory comes to ask the main question: how long will it take before the current chief of state is brought down by impeachment? The new Constitution entitles this ultimate sanction in response to certain types of violations, including, among other serious infringements, the failure to constitute the High Court of Justice. But the High Constitutional Court is expected to come to the rescue of the President and validate a High Court of Justice just as lame as it is itself. Read More »

Municipal elections are not likely to take place in 2014

Going in for municipal elections this year happens to be practically impossible. The National Electoral Commission finally conceded this matter of fact which might disappoint the International Community which used to stick to a Malagasy electoral schedule drawn last year. Read More »

Broken vows from President Rajaonarimampianina, aren’t they?

The united FRAM primary school teachers do believe their claim to be legitimate, for being based on a promise once made the by President of the Republic himself. Hery Rajaonarimampianina actually did take some solemn commitments, on January 25th, 2014, on the day of his inauguration, when confirming whatever has been pledged during his electoral campaign. He swore to the people that he will fulfill his promises and keep away from playing politics, "because the country's recovery has to be based on faith in the president's given word." Some of the Malagasy must have their faith shattered as the facts suggest that their president is failing to keep his word after all. Read More »

Prison sentence prior to forgiveness, the ruling power’ strange attitude towards reporters

This communication operation was deemed to help put up a decent profile. The President of the Republic settled the issue regarding the couple of journalists held in custody, namely by asking his Minister of State to withdraw the complaint for slandering held against Jean Luc Rahaga and Didier Ramanoelina who were meanwhile awaiting their trial and the court's verdict. Without denying tribute to Hery Rajaonarimampianina who took a stand against the imprisonment of journalists, the ruling power has given in to the rising general mobilization and to a potentially looming dangerous political capital made out this issue. Read More »