Friday , 17 May 2024
Everything burns anew in the southern part of Madagascar. During the week end, nearly one hundred armed men, some of them dressed as military personal, raided villages and captured hundreds of livestock. The local state police forces could not react accordingly to the challenge.

Armed groups do resume their raids in the South

The village of Mahabo located in the the Commune of Efotaky in the district of Taolagnaro underwent a massive raid from unidentified armed groups. Actions of such an extent have definitely resumed a few months after the end of the quite controversial military operation TANDROKA. The Dahalo outlaws have made themselves scarce as an aftermath of the intervention which, in the end, proved to have not scared them away at all. Violence unleashes again in the county’s southern part. The masterminds remain unknown, considering that Remenabila, the Dahalo leader and number one target, still on the run in spite of the operation, has not yet resurfaced