Friday , 17 May 2024
Tensions are growing unbearable between National Unity Prime Minister Omer Beriziky in one corner and Transitional Communication Harry Laurent Rahajason with the transitional leader in the opposite corner. The government’s chiefs’ says are not allowed on the Malagasy national radio and televisions waves. A second to none ban, as a matter of fact. On the other hand, Omer Beriziky is sharply being criticized by the ruling power’s media groups. But he keeps holding on though, rules every resignation out, and even gets into retaliation position with the Roadmap’s Article 31 in the hand, specially drafted to protect him against any attempt to cast him aside. According to this particular article: ”No impeachment process, no dismissal from the Transition’s President, not any attempt against the Transitional Government, and not any dissolution of the Transitional Parliament either, will be tolerated during the Transitional Period. ”

Omer Beriziky : resigning is off the point

Tensions are growing unbearable between National Unity Prime Minister Omer Beriziky in one corner and Transitional Communication Harry Laurent Rahajason with the transitional leader in the opposite corner. The government’s chiefs’ says are not allowed on the Malagasy national radio and televisions waves. A second to none ban, as a matter of fact. On the other hand, Omer Beriziky is sharply being criticized by the ruling power’s media groups. But he keeps holding on though, rules every resignation out, and even gets into retaliation position with the Roadmap’s Article 31 in the hand, specially drafted to protect him against any attempt to cast him aside. According to this particular article: ”No impeachment process, no dismissal from the Transition’s President, not any attempt against the Transitional Government, and not any dissolution of the Transitional Parliament either, will be tolerated during the Transitional Period. ”