Sunday , 5 May 2024
The amnesty draft expected to bring national reconciliation back has been passed by both chambers of the transitional parliament dominated by Rajoelina’s sphere. The result is not surprising considering that not a single parliamentarian has ever been elected. The TGV made law happens to be putting the odd ones out without having to extensively name them. The Ravalomanana sphere expressed its opposition and withdrew from the "absurd" vote, taking away by so doing the precious inclusiveness.

The Amnesty Bill unilaterally imposed by Rajoelina

The draft produced by Christine Razanamahasoa, the Rajoelina sphere’s justice minister, has undergone some irrelevant changes at the National Assembly’s committees. Andry Rajoelina is being held as a transitional president, and further as head of state.
The debate in which the Congress of the transition was engaged was related to the main political stake, namely: who will be receiving amnesty and who will not. A request will have to be sent by the interested figures, apart from those, whose crimes are being specified by the section 5. According to the technical explanation granted by the HAT’s Justice ministry, the court will be the one addressing the requests.
No matter how much the Rajoelina sphere strains to make believe, how opened the amnesty law could be, its target is first and foremost the exiled president Marc Ravalomanana. “They intentionally include each and every way to commit crimes but they dismiss the arson causing fatalities” growled Constant Raveloson, while referring to terror attacks and the looting which paved the way to the putsch in 2009. “We are not entitled to define violations of human rights our way”, he said.
The TGV’s Justice Minister uses the SADC’s experts’ proposal as a loophole. “The offenses likely to be pardoned have already been listed and serious violations of human rights, namely murders and arsons, are not part of it,” she pleaded. Christine Razanamahasoa carefully closes her eyes over the scorched earth policy and repression organized by the popular movement led by Andry Rajoelina.
The law was unanimously passed by 267 votes. Congressmen belonging to the Ravalomanana sphere left the room before the vote. “We are not stepping out of from the crisis settlement process. We merely do not go along with this unfair decision making process” declared the president of Congress, Mamy Rakotoarivelo.
The same happened at the upper chamber. The transitional Supreme Council’s members belonging to the Ravalomanana sphere did not vote. The bill was with 84 votes out of 88. This time around, Hanitra Razafimanantsoa denounced political manipulation and intentional breach of procedures.
The Rajoelina sphere ordered a committee to swiftly address the amnesty bill after 18:00 local time. “The quorum was not reached. They should have called upon all of this committee’s members to join in and wait for one more hour” declared Mrs. Razafimanantsoa. As a result, not a single significant change altered the draft passed by the Congress of the transition. The Ravalomanana sphere merely hat to take the blow of an accomplished fact again.