Sunday , 5 May 2024
Since Sunday, the palace of Mahazoarivo has been turning into a casting stage for candidates to ministers' roles of the still Rajoelina version of the transitional government.

1200 résumés for Monja Roindefo’s second government

A few more of 1200 résumés have been presented at the palace of Mahazoarivo. Quick maths can conclude that it is physically impossible for a technical staff to study them in depth within less than 48 hours, as wanted by the current High Authority of Transition’s president. Therefore it won’t be a hurdle on Prime minister Monja Roindefo’s way to the constitution of a second government. 


A few less than 24 hours after the thundering declaration of the young putschist that decided to put his government in place one-sidedly, due to a lack of compromise with the other political mobilities, Monja Roindefo threw a solemn call to all potential candidates. 


According to the Roindefo/Rajoelina couple which ousted Marc Ravalomanana, the second government that they are about to settle, doesn’t stand against the principles of the Maputo agreements. 


Marc Ravalomanana, Didier Ratsiraka and Albert Zafy have each on their side rejected the offer. This didn’t keep some sympathizers of these three political mobilities away from taking personal initiatives to propose their résumés at the palace of Mahazoarivo. That will become the golden pretext for the Roindefo government to tag itself as “inclusive”. 


Some eye witnesses are reporting the presence of one of the former legalistic movement animators Alain Andriamiseza, in Mahazoarivo, on Sunday afternoon. Former parliamentarians from Marc Ravalomanana’s party would also have been seen there. 


Former members of the other political mobilities will, anyway, only get crumbs. The putschists have already specified that 70% of portfolios must and will be theirs. 


The three other mobilities implied in the Maputo negotiation process specified, however, that those intending to participate in this government are willingly breaking off from their respective mobility.