Sunday , 19 May 2024
When Saddam Hussein emerged from his spider hole, all dictators of any shape, size, or form, lost a little of their arrogance and splendor.

A Message for all dictators

For quite some time, Saddam Hussein reigned supreme over Baghdad and over a vast nation. He was both feared, and respected by millions of citizens over whom he held the power of life or death. He gave us all an image of cruelty, image which George Bush managed to transform into one of Evil.

Nonetheless, when he emerged from the spider hole in which he was hidden, everyone realized that, after all, he was just a man. What struck everyone, the world over, is that Saddam Hussein was just like a homeless bum right out of a shantytown. I think that if Ghandi had found himself in the same situation, he would have managed to come out without losing any of his dignity. I guess these are the times when a man?s life catches up with him.

Sooner or later, all dictators of any shape, size and form must have a lesson in humility.