Friday , 17 May 2024
On their 30th Anniversary AREMA roars like a mouse!

Pretty sad affair shows the ex-powerful party AREMA

The Express states,? Arema avoids those subjects that burn us.? Thus was written the headline to describe the two reunion on the 30th anniversary of the party founded by ex-president Didier Ratsiraka. The Express unambiguously remarks, ?The old party decides not to decide. All we get from their 30th anniversary celebration is that they will put all the most pressing questions on the back burner again. Reform on a political or party level will not be happening anytime soon. It seems party chiefs have agreed to agree on a minimum of points. The most salient point is their agreement to continue by the adoption of a resolution to continue to be resolved about party unity. The Tribune comments,? All we get from Arema in their meeting at the Hotel Panorama is that the 442 members present, from the national director to the constitutional executive committee have voted to keep and reinforce all those structures that were already in place in 1997.?