Saturday , 18 May 2024
190 pages to get critical and practical information. For anyone who wishes to travel to Madagascar.

The oficial tourist guide of Madagascar just came out

The lack of documentation on tourism has often be put forward as an obstacle to the development of this sector. To overcome this problem, the national office of tourism of Madagascar, decided to produce a bilingual official guide (French and English). Useful information is at the disposal of the traveller through this guide which comprises three distinct parts: a global presentation of the Large Island, a presentation of the various areas and an outline of the possible activities during a stay. A true invitation to travel. The president of the ONTM writes : “This almost-continent is a crucible where, one does not know by which alchemy, thousand and one facets were joined for an infinite diversity. A tourist may put the course on the four cardinal points or furrow the Highlands, its horizons will be each time new, each time different”.