Saturday , 1 June 2024
The tourist season has been struggling. Although, the resumption is a reality. Some south african professionnals scent out the big tourist potential of the close fragant island.

south-African tour operators in Nosy-Be



A promising “eductour” is organized by the national office of the tourism of Madagascar with south african tour operators in Nosy-Be and through the surrounding islands. Nosy-Be is a full-fledged destination, but the discovery of its peripheral islands constitutes another evanescent pleasure not to miss for whoever go to this region of the North of Madagascar. 


To that end, south african professionnals are going to explore Nosy-Be as well as the Tanikely, Iranjas and Nosy Kombas islands, and of course the natural park of Lokobe, in the southeast of the island. The home challenge consists in convincing 10 south african operators to give in to the island’s charm and to the region in general, especially since the company Air Madagascar is to open a Johannesburg – Antananarivo – Nosy-Be line soon.  


The South-African are going to meet professionals from Nosy-Be also in order to concretize the collaboration in the perspective of the next flow of tourists from Mandela’s country in the next days. A recovery opportunity then after several months of downturn due to the political crisis in Madagascar.