Wednesday , 15 May 2024
There will be no legislative elections on March 20th, as basically planned by Andry Rajoelina. The transitional leader's close collaborators are proposing another date.

Political parties proposing the legislative elections to be held in May

As an outcome of the electoral consultation held in the International Conference in Ivato on February 2nd, the major part of those who attended has come to agree on a postponement of the elections to May of this year. A couple of dates have been retained: May 19th, and May 24th. 

The authorities which blamed the consultation’s precarity on the lack of available means, let it be known that they would be receiving the final proposals within the forthcoming days. Options to limit the risk of irregularities and fraud have been addressed by the consultation. 

So have the unique ballot paper issue, the extension of vote census beyond districts, up to communes, the possibility to confront reports in case of litigation, and the resort to bar codes for reports and polls.