Friday , 20 September 2024
He must certainly be on top of the moment's new wave. Princio, the singer of lyrics stained with more humour and some clouds of wisdom than provocation, has reached the upper level. His second album "Paradisa" is a consecration for the Malagasy variety's rising star. The artist describes his fantasy universe with simple and tenacious texts, on a background of what is now labelled as good rhythm.

Princio: the minnesinger unfolds his paradise

Princio’s four years of maturation between his first and his second album is all but ordinary. Despite immediate success with professionals and enthusiasts, things went slower with the general audience. Through repeated small scale scenes shows in cabarets as well as on the waves, he finally got due fame and reputation. The audience’s thirst for Princio’s first album songs was definitely stirred up by the slow and progressive emergence of new titles. Some three years old titles are more than ever nowadays’ hit.   


So why such a so long path to glory? The young man certainly had a picture problem. The gap between his true personality; the exemplary family father married, and desperately in love with a pretty Frenchwoman, has nearly nothing to do with the singer of funny and fantasy lyrics. Too wise to be true, is he? But then came the turnover: a legendary trio with both hitting lyric’s brash guns, the extravagant Rah-Ckiky, and Samoela the street poet. Princio was back on track. The song is a praise of Jesus, God’s son, in a popular and very vivid language. Sensitive and insular traditions denounced blasphemy, the audience is, however, largely seduced. Even Jaojoby the Great consented to make a duet on the song “Darlin”, a denunciation of hypocrisy around sexuality.  


His fame being now firmly based; Princio can release his second album in peace. The punch is less significant than expected, but the artist confessed his purposed moderation himself. “Lyrics didn’t undergo much change, they aren’t too challenging, and not too wise either”, he said. For the sake of confirming his own personal style in his second album, Princio’s launching studio is now his own one, Pro-Anay. Thereupon, he leaves the Do-Sol studio which, once again, proved to have bet on the right new horse. This second compile is named “Paradisa” just as the leading song. According to its author, “it would be his eldest one,  had his songs been his children”.  


How does Princio describe his paradise? The clip is childishly simple, with small animations on stationary drawings. One has to figure out the artist’s description of a universe far different from what is generally suggested by “the Great Book “, the Bible. “Beautiful death and paradise do not worth a beautiful life on the earth”, is being told. As a proof for that, everything is allowed at will like drinking beer with friends, go out, or taking good care of a pretty nurse… In paradise, one can also have a playstation tournament with god, but the rules are legions. The saints and the apostles have the right eye opened: it is impossible to freak with an angel’s girlfriend, or sing “Darlin” with impunity. In spite of this very rich humour, Princio is far from provocation, he is, as currently a very seldom commodity, always politically correct.