Saturday , 18 May 2024
March 17th, the anniversary of Andry Rajoelina's putsch, has, this time around, been marked by street demonstrations against him in the capital city The mobilities opposed to the High Authority of Transition have openly displayed their rejection of the putsch makers' unilateral rule.

One year after the Putsch: The legalistic front still resists




Partisans of the opposition’s political mobilities arranged to meet on in several places throughout the capital city. They attempted to join the capital city center, namely Anosy. Armed forces dispersed the converging groups on three different locations, in Analakely, in Antanimena and in Ampefiloha, but clashes could not be avoided in Anosy. 


The clashes disrupted the traffic for quite a while. Three demonstrators have been arrested, a policeman and three other demonstrators have been wounded. 


One year after the putsch, the legalistic and its allied mobilities demonstration their vivid yearn for a quick solution to the crisis.