Friday , 3 May 2024
Are the people about to make Andry Rajoelina for Antananarivo what Guy Fawkes is for London? Regarding the recent events in the capital city, the question is legitimate

Andry Rajoelina despised: The presidential escort whistled

Coincidence or not? The presidential convoy has been booed by pedestrians on Independence ave. in Analakely. It is Rajoelina’s first ever humiliation of that kind, one time too much. Some time later, 100 people have been taken into custody where the event occurred. Trucks and 4WD have contributed to the clean sweep. The operation was officially directed against dealers and alleged “smugglers” used to sqwatting the area for years, but nobody never bothered them so far.

Few days earlier, Andry Rajoelina actually underwent the same fate during the remembrance of March 29h, 1947. None of this isle’s leaders ever did have to be so much publicly humiliated, so why did he? Could he eventually do otherwise but turning a blind eye on that? His collaborators repeatedly display evidences of satisfaction from the 63% city council elections of the year 2007, while carefully refraining from telling that it was actually 63% of 44% of potential voters, let alone the huge flow of sway that would have been changing things since 2007.

The High Authority of Transition is, as a matter of fact, the most despised of Antananarivo’s regimes. A capital city’s daily newspaper, though having been a HAT supporter one year ago, openly states that publishing Rajoelina’s picture on first pages is now a commercial suicide.

Bootlickers are, however, still numerous enough so that Rajoelina can still pretend to an alleged total popular support. There is no need of US secret services’ labs to notice that, sometimes, the same voices are, time and time again, pledging support to him on the Radio Viva radio station’s waves . Rajoelina can actually rely on nothing but the army, or rather one fringe of it.