Friday , 10 May 2024
The meeting between the four Malagasy political mobility leaders meant to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, will finally take place on April 28th. The south-African president, Jacob Zuma happened to be not available on April 25th, the round's initial day.

Andry Rajoelina in for negotiations in Johannesburg

The leader of the High Authority of Transition, Andry Rajoelina, is displaying some determination to join South Africa, in spite of some of his supporters’ reluctance. The young putsch maker would have always supported this as the “last chance” attempt to reach a deal with the other political forces 

As turning into a certainly critical situation, Andry Rajoelina pretended to have never been eager to monopolize power. His closest collaborators’ various statements would hint that he has got enough of the crisis. Power sharing can, therefore, be expected. An agreement between the actors could well be on its way.