Sunday , 19 May 2024
Together with the legalistic expatriated GTT legalistic movement, Mrs. Naika met several of the European Commission's high officials.

In Brussels, senator Naika convinced the European Commission

When expressing concerns motivated by the French “unilateral” proposal aiming at granting legitimacy the year 2009’s putsch originate authoritarian regime, senator Naika echoed the legalistic Malagasy front’s various demands capitalized in a  petition signed last week by more than 10,000 citizens asking the European Union to punish the authoritarian regime’s led purposed hindrance to the implementation of the Maputo agreements. 


“We are holding this proposal as a step backwards, since it supports Andry Rajoelina’s unilateral expectations while providing no conditions for free, fair and transparent elections”. 


According to senator Naika, “the European Commission emphasized to the Malagasy delegation that the European Union’s position has not changed. The violations of the Cotonou agreements, namely that of its article 96 concerning human rights, democratic principles and state of right, remain unacceptable for the European Union.”