Thursday , 13 June 2024
The former national Secretary of the Arema party called the political mobilities to recover the negotiation table and put an end to the Malagasy crisis.

Pierrot Rajaonarivelo: “Only negotiations can settle the crisis”

“The Malagasy brotherhood must not remain an empty word” he stated. For Pierrot Rajaonarivelo, this crisis’ actors ought to reconcile despite ideology differences. In quality of potential candidate at the next presidential elections, Rajaonarivelo is only expecting for the country’s political situation to stabilize in order to take off independently. so is the incentive of his erection of the MDM political grouping. 

A certain number of the Arema party members swayed towards Pierrot Rajaonarivelo  when noticing that former president Didier Ratsiraka was in no way intending to leave the leading position to any successor.