Monday , 13 May 2024

The cocoa of Ambanja : reboosting the production industry

The Region of Ambanja will host from October 28 to 29, 2010 a workshop dedicated to the cocoa of Madagascar which will bring the following slogan: «The wake of a sleeping treasure ». The target of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in organizing such workshop is to boost and to restructure the cocoa production industry of that Region. Being one of the five major exported products of the country, the cocoa of Madagascar is internationally reputed for its particular flavor. Besides, it is certified as “fine cocoa” by the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO).

The amount of national production of cocoa is certainly very small compared to the amount required by international offers, which is 6.000 tons versus 3, 5 million tons. However, the local industry is mobilizing more than 30.000 farmers in the SAVA, SOFIA, Analanjirofo, and especially the Diana Regions. The cultivation and production of cocoa constitute one of the most important income-provider activities for most of the people living in these Regions. Unfortunately, the ageing of seedling, the invasion of harmful insects, diseases, and the lack of experience in the fermentation processes prevent the sector from thriving. For the time being, several actions are being undertaken by government authorities and local producers in order to improve the production rate and quality.