Friday , 20 September 2024
Andry Rajoelina removed the on-going SADC summit´s relevance, although it is supposed to render a decisive stand about the Malagasy crisis and Dr Simao´s report. Confident in his campaign of seduction of chiefs of State gathered within the Southern African Development Community, the self imposed transitional leader already threatens to have it his way, and potentially be in for his own private election in order to become president of Republic.

A SADC summit without stake, is it?


The HAT propaganda supposed to be displaying true reality in Madagascar failed from convincing the Malagasy, but not the SADC´s presidents. Andry Rajoelina argued that president Jacob Zuma would have confessed to have been in touch with this famous reality:”only one voice used to be heard”. Political calculations based on faked and corrupted consensus and inclusiveness would have successfully concealed a transitional regime as authoritarian as unilateral.    
“Most of the countries are supporting us and expecting the elections to settle this crisis”, summarized Andry Rajoelina. The authoritarian leader can count on support from France as first, then from the IOF of course, from the IOC and from one roadmap draft. Leonardo Simao upset the Malagasy political environment by providing the authoritarian leader with “royal power”. Andry Rajoelina would be granted the power to designate the Prime minister, the ministers, the deputies and the senators all the way, and consequently erect the transitional institutions his way.    
The appointment of the Prime minister proposed by the TGV, namely a former Prime minister previously put in charge by the… TGV, definitely raised doubts about the authority´s leader´s clarity. Andry Rajoelina argued that the visited African presidents would be optimistic and push for the implementation of this roadmap draft. “We are going to wait for the SADC summit´s resolutions in full serenity “, he argued.    
Andry Rajoelina displayed however pragmatism behind his optimistic cover up. “whatever the summit´s verdict may be, we must organize the elections “, he declared. In the end, the SADC´s stand would not mean a thing. The HAT already has France´s official blessing recently collected in Paris. Andry Rajoelina actually wants to make believe that the opposition is the one, keen on extending the transition and refusing the elections.    
The reality is different. The opposition turns down the role of the pledge for a two years long dictatorial transition. It claims the resumption of the negotiations, national reconciliation and a genuinely democratic transition. The elections previously organized in 2011 by the HAT  by its electoral commission are rejected. “There is not a single guarantee for either freedom nor transparency” protested the opposition.