Tuesday , 7 May 2024
Series of tourist reports concerning Madagascar is to be broadcasted in Italy by the beginning of 2012. The show is likely to draw more Italians to the Great Isle. It will focus on seven young ladies´ adventures throughout the Great Isle´s marvels, like the whales, the baobabs, the Tsingy and the white sandy beaches. The touristic branch is expecting substantial profits from the Donnaventura concept in 2012

Donnaventura : show time for the Great Isle

Series of tourist reports concerning Madagascar is to be broadcasted in Italy by the beginning of 2012. The show is likely to draw more Italians to the Great Isle. It will focus on seven young ladies´ adventures throughout the Great Isle´s marvels, like the whales, the baobabs, the Tsingy and the white sandy beaches. The touristic branch is expecting substantial profits from the Donnaventura concept in 2012