Sunday , 28 April 2024
The Marc Ravalomanana sphere is getting ready to welcome milady Lalao Ravalomanana, the exiled president´s wife. She is supposed to reach Ivato´s airport on Saturday, February 4th . Having a member of the Ravalomanana clan recovering home soil seems to be boosting the former President´s supporters who have so far been waiting for almost three years. The movement´s leaders announced Lalao Ravalomanana´s homecoming as "great news".

Another potential hot Saturday in sight: Before Marc Ravalomanana’s official come back, the former first lady dares the odds

In the paces of Tojo, the exiled president´s elder son, time has come for the former first lady to return home. It sounds like a psychological preparation for Marc Ravalomanana´s supporters as well as for his opponents. The leaders of the Ravalomanana sphere actually did not make any secret of the fact that milady Lalao Ravalomanana was recovering home soil in order to pave the way for her man´s come back. The Rajoelina supportive side conceded that the former first lady could possibly not be banned from completing her trip for having not being condemned by its justice, unlike the former President.