Friday , 17 May 2024

Television show: « Tselatra » is back on TVM

The flagship cultural program of the 1990s is back on the Malagasy National Television (TVM) after a couple of years’ break. Designed and presented by Lucette Botralahy, this television show was very popular both among the rural and urban population, and among all ages.

 Since its start in 1993, “Tselatra” has so far realized about five hundred shows. Presented with a new look, “Tselatra” remains an important source of information for the public on certain aspects of the culture in Madagascar, causing a general awareness-raising among the population of the sociological interest of culture, magnetizing currents between operators and consumers cultural products, being the link between events and the public and being the collective language of culture with the same standard items.

So, during a 52 minute-show, the Malagasy population will once again be able to follow and enjoy their favorite television show on TVM at 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday. The first show will be broadcast on February 7, 2012.