Wednesday , 15 May 2024
After being dealt with by the HAT’s police forces with tear gas, Mamy Rakotoarivelo is now the Rajoelina regime’s next political target. The President of the transitional congress is being summoned by the ordinary criminal court, as a matter of fact a flagrant violation of the roadmap. The victim denounced the resumption of the unilateralism policy and announced that the Ravalomanana political sphere is to keep away from whatever parliamentary and governmental meetings.

The Ravalomanana spheres reacts against the violent unilateralism policy

“The Ravalomanana sphere declares its intention to stay away from any parliamentarian and governmental meeting and decision until the publication of the troika’s decisions concerning the current stand of the recovery of social and political peace, the return of exiled figures and the events of latest Saturday. ” The statement was produced by Rakotoarivelo Mamy. “We do not withdraw from the process, but merely our presence into meetings of any kind.”
Congress president said he knew nothing yet about an alleged impeachment measure to be directed against him. “Do they really believe that this would possibly contribute to appeasement?” he wondered. “They are trying to recover an undisputed rule whereas the first paces towards common ground were achieved”. According Rakotoarivelo Mamy, the transitional regime happens to be consensual in theory.
“The Ravalomanana sphere has merely 57 out of 365 representatives in Congress. Although, I am the one to be elected as president,” he outlined while recalling that inclusiveness matters more than majority and minority. Now targeted by the HAT’s justice, Mamy Rakotoarivelo denounced the violation of the roadmap’s pledged protection against whatever politically motivated trial.
As for the events of Saturday, in which the Ravalomanana sphere’s supporters’ peaceful demonstration was brutally disrupted by the HAT’s devoted police forces, the president of the transitional congress made no secret of his indignation. “I went there as head of an institution to engage talks with the armed forces basically supposed to serve and defend national institutions. The repression of this kind cannot be tolerated.  Was it because our political ideas are not the same? It would hint that the armed forces are biased” he said.

“Mamy Rakotoarivelo and I were specially targeted,” testified Hanitra Razafimanantsoa to the gathered activists. She denounced the armed forces’ flagrant lack of respect for institution members. “This is the money time, we are facing a crucial decision” she said.
The exiled president Marc Ravalomanana took charge. “Officials from the TC (transitional council), STC(supreme transitional council) and from the government were attacked by tear gas … Participation into the transitional regime will be suspended in expectation of the SADC’s reaction, “he said.
Parliamentarians and ministers stemming from the Ravalomanana sphere did obey. The parliament’s special session began merely with the Rajoelina sphere. The TGV parliamentarians left on their own into their unilateral policy are straining to play their counterparts’ reaction down by recalling that many signatories of the roadmap are still in. There are indeed other virtual groups dispatched from the Rajoelina sphere and serving no other purpose but granting a faked majority in this transition to the mother-ship