Saturday , 18 May 2024
He has long been talking about a “national healing process” or about a “new neutral and technically oriented Transition”, of course not the liking of the High Authority of Transition, since such a project hints the removal of the HAT members from power. Raymond Ranjeva does not give in anyway. “Such a new Transition will have to be imposed”, he declared

Raymond Ranjeva willing to lead another transitional period

The former Judge at the International Justice Court in The Hague seems to believe that the restoration of order will require everything to be leveled down in order to draw the three years old political crisis to an end. Independent groups have been collecting some75 000 signatures supporting the call to Raymond Ranjeva to “take his responsibilities”, that is to say, take power over. He said, he would be bound to do it, although unveiling nothing about his plans. Since the year 2010, Raymond Ranjeva has been making his will to top such a new Transition public, and the HAT’s ruling power, its incapacity to manage the country the right way