Saturday , 18 May 2024
Louisette Raharimalala, former member of the Parliament, does not intend to mince her words when denouncing military abuses unfolding in the Island’s southern regions. And she actually did not in the run of her latest press conference. Former President Albert Zafy played the reinforcements, and dared the Transitional ruling power to hit the road for good.

Bekily’s former parliamentarian strongly opposes the military operation carried out in the South of Madagascar

The former Chief of State’s presence during the press conference obviously proved quite valuable to Louisette Raharimalala. Basing her allegations on local witnesses collected over the latest months, the former deputy severely pointed at the Operation Tandroka, capitalized by the armed forces in the South. “Has Remenabila been successfully arrested?” sounded her crucial question. The alleged top Dahalo leader is actually still running freely. Scores of innocent victims killed in action or tortured to death by the armed forces for the sake of putting a grip on the Dahalo leader, can no more enjoy the same privilege, according to Louisette Raharimalala’s speech. She emphasized that military threats would not deter her from telling the truth out. She even dared to ask for the occasion to speak out on national waves.