Saturday , 1 June 2024
A peculiar scene developed inside the Magro square on that day. He used to be one of the main arch enemies to the supporters of Marc Ravalomanana. On that day though, Colonel Charles Andrianasoavina’s phone call to the Magro square was welcomed like that of a hero. He is currently recovering in La Reunion island. In the run of the remembrance of February 07th 2009’s shoot out, the colonel actually revealed a far reaching testimony proving to be a serious blow to the transitional leadership. He testified that transitional leader Andry Rajoelinal was the main mastermind behind the bloodshed, since “lives had to be sacrificed in order to gain control of the power”, and pointed at Colonel Lylison Rene as the main henchman. Colonel Charles emphasized again that the presidential guard was not to be blamed for the deadly gunshots which claimed casualties on February 07th 2009. The crowd gathered inside the Magro square joyfully cheered loud at Colonel Charles Andrianasoavina’s speech.

Colonel Charles welcomed like a hero in the Magro square

A peculiar scene developed inside the Magro square on that day. He used to be one of the main arch enemies to the supporters of Marc Ravalomanana. On that day though, Colonel Charles Andrianasoavina’s phone call to the Magro square was welcomed like that of a hero. He is currently recovering in La Reunion island. In the run of the remembrance of February 07th 2009’s shoot out, the colonel actually revealed a far reaching testimony proving to be a serious blow to the transitional leadership. He testified that transitional leader Andry Rajoelinal was the main mastermind behind the bloodshed, since “lives had to be sacrificed in order to gain control of the power”, and pointed at Colonel Lylison Rene as the main henchman. Colonel Charles emphasized again that the presidential guard was not to be blamed for the deadly gunshots which claimed casualties on February 07th 2009. The crowd gathered inside the Magro square joyfully cheered loud at Colonel Charles Andrianasoavina’s speech.