Tuesday , 14 May 2024
The PRO RAVALOMANANA association launched a demonstration a short while ago in front of the SADC’s office’s facilities in Antananarivo. A request got officially sent to the SADC’s local spokespersons in charge of the mediation in the nearly four year long Malagasy political crisis.

Ravalomanana’s supporters giving a nudge to the SADC

The former president’s supporters officially called upon the SADC to do what it takes so that the crisis settlement Roadmap signed in September 2011 fully gets implemented, more specifically its famous article 20, which entitles every political figure kept out in exile with the unconditional right to safely recover home soil. The request particularly addressed the case of former first lady Lalao Ravalomanana, whose comeback was granted by transitional leader Andry Rajoelina, although with so drastic conditions that they could but be rejected by the first lady. Marc Ravalomanana’s supporters just as emphatically require all the radio and TV stations silenced by the transitional ruling power to be allowed to freely reopen