Thursday , 16 May 2024
The four ministers sent by the transitional ruling power to Mandritsara in the North of the country found it quite hard to leave the place. Demonstrators set blockades up on the streets and on the local airport’s runway. The wrath stirred by the previous clashes with security forces did not come down. The demonstrators are requiring justice to be done, the hard way, in response to the murder of an 82 years old cleric

Renewed strife in Mandritsara

The ministers had to prove how cunning they actually were to leave unscathed the town of Mandritsara on their jet. The rage has only been growing since the recent clashes with security forces claimed lives among the demonstrators. According to some observers, the fact that acting transitional ministers were this time around targeted would suggest an outbreak of growing public grudge against the transitional ruling power as a whole. Any incident involving its representatives in any way is likely to become a barrel of powder