Saturday , 18 May 2024
Andry Rajoelina playing deep in defense against the SADC led diplomatic attack! The regional organization happening to be the international community´s ambassador in the run out of the Malagasy crisis´ settlement process did not recognize November 17th´s referendum unilaterally organized by the HAT. The authority´s leader believes however in his ace´s relevance in the construction of his 4th Republic.

A HAT destabilized by the SADC is defending its referendum



The ruling power decided in a Cabinet meeting to oppose a hostile position to the SADC mediation led by Dr. Simao in Antananarivo. It would be all about “Madagascar´s final position towards the International Community and the SADC”, in short words: the hell with democratic principles.

The official statement: “could the SADC pledge support to the Malagasy made process, the crucial stage of which has just been overcome in the constitutional referendum, its actions and suggestions would be favorably welcomed. If it does not, Madagascar will be keeping going on with the creation of the fourth Republic, as accepted by the Malagasy people´s majority in this constitutional referendum”.

This “majority” is being defined by the ruling power and its supporters as the artificially boosted 52.61% high participation rate. The YES´ 74% high score is not that relevant, for representing merely 37%  of all voters. Andry Rajoelina argues that the international community and the home based politicians failed from settling the crisis in 20 months: “on November 17th, the Malagasy people expressed its will in polling stations, its will to move forward to the 4th Republic”. Propaganda is apparently still on.

“everything but turning it official is done” said Andry Rajoelina. The HAT´s electoral commission is speeding the official publication of results but the High Constitutional Court is the one entitled to turn them into an official decree within 50 days after the publication. This institution, spared by the HAT in the run of the year 2009´s putsch, has anyway lost the whole of its credibility, but still serve as legalizing controversial or illegal laws and political decisions. Since there is no more Constitution, the High Constitutional Court is technically able to cause surprises when legalizing the ersatz drafted by and for Andry Rajoelina.

“If these SADC emissaries are coming to  create trouble, let them go home!” stated Andry Rajoelina. Dr. Simao´s mission is not welcomed by the HAT for “not supporting the Malagasy people´s decision pledged by the people´s majority”. The SADC´s will to re-launch democratic negotiations for the recovery of constitutional order is destabilizing the ruling power in search of peace. But no one is willing to leave a putsch originated regime organize and legalize elections its way in peace