Tuesday , 14 May 2024
Conservation International, the organization working in favour of the environment, provides touristes with a new guide on the lemurs of Madagascar.

A new guide of lemurs in Madagascar

The work, of the size of a booklet, easily unfoldable, presents in a few tens of pages, the various species of lemurs living in Madagascar. Microcebus (lemur of extreme small size) to Indri passing by the black lemur, without forgetting obviously the sifaka and even less the lemur catta that everyone knows under the name of Maki.   

32 foreign scientists as well as Malagasy contributed to the work. The concept is due to Russel Mittermeier, president of Conservation International, primatologist of reputation, and which devoted a considerable work to the lemurs of Madagascar. One of the microcebus, the microcebus mittermeieri, which has recently been discovered, bears its name.