Friday , 17 May 2024
Some army officers are currently being closely watched by the High Authority of Transition. Some of them would have even got arrest threats.

Army officers closely monitored by the HAT

Collaborators with the transitional leader, Andry Rajoelina, suggested to put several army under house arrests, starting with those who attended a meeting with former HAT Prime minister Monja Roindefo behind closed doors. But, for the sake of keeping away from setting the situation alight, the HAT musclemen refrained from launching a hostile wave of arrests against militaries close to the opposition.. 

However, a couple of officers recently on the brink of producing a so far unpublished statement have been intercepted by the HAT armed machine. Both officers have been explicitly banned from speaking out, then immediately relaxed. The HAT soldiers in command now clearly know that the slightest error could well be the sparkle to the explosion. Everyone actually seems conscious that the HAT’s political and military isolation is now hanging by a thread, that the pending polarization of the armed forces can be the lethal stroke.         .