Saturday , 18 May 2024

Central Bank of Madagascar: undergoing a transition phase

The Management of the Central Bank of Madagascar (CBM) is currently undergoing a transition phase following the departure of the CBM’s Governor, Fréderic Rasamoely. Actually, after the Governor’s departure, the cabinet meeting of the government decided that some changes will be applied to the management policy of the institution.

For instance, until the advent of the 4th Republic, an interim Governor will chair the Management Board of the Central Bank which will be composed of eight administrators who are appointed by decree according to their qualifications and skills in financial, economical, legal and monetary fields.

Two of the eight administrators will be appointed by the President of the Transition, two appointed by the government, two appointed by the High Council of the Transition, and two others appointed by the Congress of the Transition. Their office tenure will end as soon as the 4th Republic is set up.