Monday , 13 May 2024

Circulation of fake CCAL gas coupons: who are the responsible?

Recently, it has been noticed that many gas and lubricant coupons (CCAL), used, in theory, only by the government administration were the subject of falsification. While the falsification seems detrimental to various fields of activity, the fact remains that ultimately no one has yet managed to accurately identify who is behind it.

Many fake CCAL have circulated in gas stations for a long time. But in recent months, the falsification phenomenon has been so extensive that it can disrupt many economic activities. For instance, as for the gas stations supplied by the Oil Company “Galana”, the amount of fake CCAL that they received in June and July reached 432 million Ariary, generating great loss for both the company and the gas stations.

For that reason, oil companies which have submitted the fake CCAL coupons for payment to the Public Treasury were categorically denied of any reimbursement. This has led them to put the blame on the managers of gas stations. And while the managers of gas stations have already received a credit note, which allows them to buy new products, the professional group of freelance gas station managers (GPGLSS), led by its President, Jean Martin Rakotozafy, did not wait long to react against oil companies’ attack.

These gas stations managers have even threatened they will no longer accept CCAL coupons or they will close all gas stations if the reimbursement decision is maintained.   That reaction forced, to some extent, the Public Treasury to reconsider its decision to punish gas stations managers. Indeed, such a decision might completely aggravate the already existing conflicts between the managers of gas stations and oil companies.

But given the situation, it seems quite clear that the proliferation of fake CCAL may be the fault of the Public Treasury itself which issues the coupons or the managers of gas stations who receive them. Indeed, whenever new CCAL coupons are issued, all oil companies and gas stations are informed of all the features of the new CCAL coupons.