Thursday , 16 May 2024

Cleansing downtown.

Last Wednesday, I was really amazed and happy on my way home late in the evening. The area around the “Hôtel de Ville” was unexpectedly clean. Actually, since a few months, I am used to see a disgusting show- off of rubbishes and unclean waters on this spot.

But that very evening, I saw municipal agents sweeping around. In spite of my tiredness after a hard day of work, this scene enlightened my face with a spontaneous smile. Even a vision crossed my mind that the town will be soon beautiful as ever, a nicer place to live in.

If one asks me about the criteria of a town, I will doubtless say through its cleanness. According to me, a town should reflect its populations’ evolution in terms of hygiena. One must respect oneself in order to respect others and the global environment.

The cleansing of the road downtown by the municipal agents seems to spread a message about the respect of the town and the environment. Let us hope that it will be well-spread for a very beautiful island like Madagascar must not undergo pollution.