Wednesday , 15 May 2024
Malagasy citizens must pay even more to live better, but when basic necessities are running out of control, pointing the finger at our financial lawmakers is bound to occur.

Consumer prices on the rise.

The Express writes, “Prices are out of control. Price increases on basic necessities are catastrophic for both retailers and wholesalers. Even while most groceries have been expecting the present situation, the flagrant increases since January of this year are just too much.” The Hebdo specifies,?Hard way to live for any household. Inflation rates for the year 2006 are expected to be held to 8.2%, but given the present state of affaires no-one is sure about what happens next.? The Hebdo cites the example of the TVA 18% increase in gas prices. The author blames the financial laws for allowing such outrageous increases to occur. From where he draws his title, ?The financial controllers need to be in the accused dock!?