Saturday , 4 May 2024
Some of the High Authority of Transition´s supportive extremists were intending to arrest former president Didier Ratsiraka and Tojo Ravalomanana. The government´s chief had to intervene in order to call Rajoelina supportive soldiers and some ministers back to order

Didier Ratsiraka and Tojo Ravalomanana short from being sent behind bars


Nothing is however to be held for granted during the next days. Militaries visited the Ravalomanana family´s residence in Faravohitra on the day following Tojo´s arrival. The HAT´s leader, Andry Rajoelina, did not forcibly agree on the pending arrest of Tojo Ravalomanana, and visibly struggles to keep his gorillas under control. The former president Marc Ravalomanana even denounced a murder attempt apparently targetting his son Tojo. He subsequently declared that his sphere would pull out of from the crisis settlement process, could the roadmap fail from being correctly respected