Saturday , 18 May 2024
Very quickly, the genuine reason for the appointment of Antananarivo's substitute mayor to another "position" appears. Michèle Ratsivalaka is leaving her seat to a potential president who so far has assumed mere small political roles. The extremely wealthy Edgard Razafindravahy is finally in the spotlight.

Edgard Razafindravahy: the capital city townhall as launching pad


As in many other countries, being the capital city’s first magistrate is a good ticket for presidency. The appointment of Razafindravahy Edgard as special delegation’s president (PDS) of Antananarivo city would serve far more capital ends than urging market places organization or garbage collection. 

He is a wealthy but discreet figure. His first steps in politics are everything but golden from the politician’s general point. Edgard Razafindravahy has so far been the Hetsik’Avaradrano association’s leader, which gained some interesting successes during local elections. The man was himself president of the Miray Ambohimalaza communal council. 

Edgard Razafindravahy used to be blamed for having more means than political ambition. He has been once presented as a potential president; the man operated a strategic pull back for fear of being his adversaries’ target. His involvement in the TGV movement was just as discreet, apart from one of his owned radio station’s inclination marked by the live broadcasting of the putsch’s stages. 

Edgard Razafindravahy is an interesting spare solution for the TGV, could Andry Rajoelina be unable or unwilling to contest presidential election. If elections take place before constitution changes which aim to match the fundamental law to the age of the transition authority’s chief, the new strong man of Antananarivo would be the first choice. 

Group Prey’s CEO, Edgard Razafindravahy is another example of business success story. By the beginning of the political crisis, the announcement of his flour manufacturing plant’s closing, Kobama, had the expected impact on the political plan, and provided an additional motive for an “economic putsch”. 

Of all radio stations belonging to this press tycoon, only the Antsiva radio actively supported the popular movement. The TV channel RTA, daily newspapers Express and Ao Rahas, the Hebdo de Madagascar, as well as the magazine Mada Journal stood back in neutrality from the events. 

Edgard Razafindravahy is a pure result of the French way training. Having done his primary studies at ESCA school in Antananarivo, he passed his A-level in a “private” high school of Bordeaux. Brilliant student, he studied mathematics and physics for a while at the Bordeaux University. 

His graduation from the ISSEC of Paris will indeed lead him to the business world. The man got no less than seven degrees in management. Back to the home country in 1986 to get involved in business, he steps in the court of big boys in 1993 by becoming, until now, Prey group’s young CEO. Now in charge of Antananarivo’s city council, he could be attempting to emulate a certain Marc Ravalomanana