Saturday , 18 May 2024
The official visit of German President Horst Köhler reenforced the cooperation between our two countries which up until now has been in the areas of the environment and health.

German Aid Revolves around the Environment and Health

The German president has finished his 4 day official visit to Madagascar.
Both sides speak of the positive results gained during this visit. It
appears the Germans are particularly interested in health and environment
here. Midi daily writes, “German help for Madagascar is estimated at 4
million Euros over the last 3 years. This amount has been mostly spent in
the fields of health and environment. In effect, Germany through the
auspices of the GTZ, technical cooperation and KFW, the development bank,
intervenes principally in the north of our island. In Ankarafantsika
national park for the environment and in Mahajanga province where they are
responsible for the rehabilitation of health centers and hospitals and where
they donate the material requirements of these same centers. In the course
of their official visit, the Köhler couple accompanied by our president and
his first lady, and after a brief visit to Mahajanga, visited the CHRR at
Marovoay, this important Regional Health Center which was rehabilitated in
2002 thanks to the German donation of 384,000 Euros.”