Thursday , 13 February 2025
In the very present time, in expectation of further temporary results of the on going presidential election's first round, some groups passionately following political matters up actually present mixed points concerning the turn of political events in Madagascar.

Harm set, harm get

Any normal citizens seems to have much to worry about at this crucial turn of national history. The whole game was actually fixed from scratch. The new President was basically supposed to be known long before this costly electoral masquerade. Yet, things did not exactly go the way its masterminds must have wanted, for having several champions on the starting line keeps, for the time being, proving much counterproductive to the transitional ruling power. As for its unelected leader, previously forced out of the presidential race by the electoral court, he rather focuses on the legislative electoral battelfield, for expecting to capitalize all for most a position of Prime Minister until the next opportunity to become president ever comes up. Not scarce are those yearning to have this first electoral round bluntly cancelled for a new start, or even extend the transitional time a little longer again, now that they have nothing much left to lose. The most active of them are stretching their arms as long as they can, straining to trigger any possible upset in any civilian or military department in order to keep a certain politically exiled figure away in exile in South Africa.  The fear of potentially having to pay dearly for what has so far been done begins to cease hearts, does it not? Anyway, the best possible way out for the electoral first round’s losers would be an alliance with any of both finalists. Negotiations to this end are already underway and even far beyond national borders. As for those who decided to keep away from the presidential challenge, they may take comfort from the electoral commission machine’s errors and malfunctions. Actually the debate on all of these decisive issues could possibly have no end. As a matter of fact, confusion happens to be so widespread, that the low people barely makes head or tail of the whole business, and rather choses to “keep believing”, the single wisdom path left. To be continued.