Sunday , 5 May 2024
Jean Omer Beriziky is the luckiest of the scarce major survivors of the Transition's dismay. The current political stalemate on the Great Isle happens to be quite a fair stroke of luck to him. As long as the appointment of the new Head of Government keeps slow to materialize, the current Prime Minister remain in charge in the palace of Mahazoarivo .

Jean Omer Beriziky : Extension and full power

” Jean Omer Beriziky probably remains in charge for a few months more,” according to one of Hery Rajaonarimampianina’s proxies. Getting a new Prime Minister proves much harder than expected. For the time being, the situation is indeed bogged down by the so complicated definition of the parliamentary majority that two different and rival parliamentary groups submitted their respective candidates to the presidency. Everything probably has to start from the beginning all over again, especially with the appointment of a new High Constitutional Court, which will most likely issue a new interpretation of the Constitution’s Article 54 concerning the appointment of the Prime Minister. The Malagasy President is currently traveling in the United States and in Europe. While Rajaonarimampianina tours abroad, Jean Omer Beriziky is being granted not only a reprieve in charge as number one of the executive layer but also full power. For it is he who is the head of the Executive. However, the transitional Prime Minister’s record does not unanimously exhilarate political analysts. Some of them have respect for him for his achievement of keeping transitional things standing up to the latest elections. Some others prefer looking down on him, first because the crisis settlement process proved far from convincing, and the transitional social and economic score sheets, utterly catastrophic.