Saturday , 18 May 2024
Marc Ravalomanana's return has been announced by the leaders of the "legalistic" movement as imminent. The president in exile already would be under way toward the Great Isle.

Marc Ravalomanana would be on his way toward Madagascar

It is Ambroise Ravonison, an animator of the support demonstration for Marc Ravalomanana who announced to the crowd that the president would be already under way by the beginning of this week. Ambroise Ravonison however avoided specifying if Marc Ravalomanana chose to return by air or by sea in the country. He only said that” Marc Ravalomanana is no more on foreign soil “. 

It is not the first time though that an imminent arrival of Ravalomanana has been announced with ceremony. The legalistic leaders specified however that the president in exile will be on the Malagasy soil before the national day of June 26. Bluff or not, the Transition is currently clearing for action. Prime minister Monja Roindefo launched the vigi-mada plan to face possible destabilization before national day. The surveillance of borders was in the same time reinforced.  

The members of the High Authority of the Transition take the possibility of an imminent return of Marc Ravalomanana thus seriously. Yvon Randriazanakolona, alias Sareraka, says that whoever enters in Madagascar with foreign forces to restore Ravalomanana’s rule must be arrested. Some close collaborators of the Transition estimate that even civilians should be given in fire arms if the president in exile comes back with a foreign army. The High Authority of  Transition constantly prefers the word “invasion” to the expression” pacification in view of a return to constitutional order” used by the legalistic side.