Thursday , 2 May 2024
Lalao Ravalomanana, the presidential candidate now expelled by the Special Electoral Court from the race, has officially called her supporters upon keeping their nerves. In her statement, the former first lady made clear, that she would personally decide about the way to carry on with the struggle she has been leading over the latest months. Mamy Rakotoarivelo, the current political sphere's number two, does not seem to react the same way. Actually he rather called upon the Ravalomanana sphere's supporters to demonstrate today on August 20th.

Misunderstanding on top of the Ravalomanana political sphere

Lalao Ravalomanana does not seem to be in for street protests, at least not yet, bearing in mind that pupils are facing this week the A-level showdown nationwide. So sounded her stand reflected by her statement. Yet, almost simultaenously, the transitional congress president is drawing supporters to rally a demonstration supposed to take place on a bare expanse in Ankorondrano. Puzzled and bewildered, the ousted former president’s supporters rather wait for what comes next. The exclusion of Lalao Ravalomanana definitely shocked them all, yet they do not know what to do for now