Saturday , 4 May 2024
The former HAT Prime minister Monja Roindefo is currently in the authorities' sight following a new putsch rumour in Antananarivo.

Monja Roindefo: Risking clash with the High Authority of Transition

Monja Roindefo was holding a meeting behind closed doors with one hundred capital city militaries one week ago. The High Authority of Transition suspected the government’s former leader of preparing a putsch But the targeted figure quite swiftly denied everything. Could a putsch take another one over? All of a sudden, the presidential palace of Ambohitsorohitra has enhanced its security system  a little better than usually, the HAT was definitely dredding an assault. 

One officer of the HAT special intervention force would have even been investigated in relation to this secret meeting with Monja Roindefo. 

The HAT masterminds are actually quite divided concerning the next way to go in face of isolation. A certain number of them is for playing it hard. Some others are rather for talks. On the other hand, the army is divided. The opposition is all the way striving to step pressure up on the HAT, despite renewed violent repression against demonstration leaders, currently wanted by the putsch making authorities. The president of Marc Ravalomanana’s TIM party’s youth section has been held in custody, on nearly baseless account on the latest week end. Here is one more political prisoner in Malagasy jails, there. He might certainly not be the last one. For the meantime, the (military) balance is largely advantaging the HAT.